Germany: Telekom and Vodafone top download speeds

We took more than 2.4 billion network quality measurements including 175 thousand speed tests from users across Germany in January, February and March of 2018. Our latest complementary Mobile Experience Report is available to download, here is a summary of the top findings.   


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Telekom tops 4G download speeds

Inches ahead of Vodafone, Telekom lead our download and upload speed tests across 4G, with O2 taking third place.

Speed test germany

O2 demonstrate best 4G latency

However when we look at latency, we can see O2 performing the best on 4G, ahead of both Vodafone and Telekom.

latency germany

Vodafone take the lead in North Rhine-Westphalia

Regionally, we see differences in top performers for both download and upload speeds, with Vodafone taking the lead away from Telekom in North Rhine-Westphalia.

north germany speed

The full, complementary 25 page report is available now with regional break-downs and detailed performance information for every operator.


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